Submit your recipe

Have a terrific recipe you love cooking in Nordic Ware bakeware? Let others know and share the joy! Supply your recipe in this form and we may publish it on our site.

    Which Nordic Ware products do you use to make this?

    How long does it take to make this recipe (minutes)?

    How long does it take to cook this recipe (minutes)?

    Please supply a large quality image of your finished, cooked and prepared dish (aim for something Instagram-worthy in a JPG format that is under 5MB):

    Would you like attribution with your recipe (first name, suburb, state)?

    If yes, what is your suburb and state?

    By submitting, you agree that this is recipe is genuine that others can replicate with confidence, and is supplied without ownership (yours nor others) including photographic material ('content'). The content submitted on this site will be reviewed, published with attribution (unless otherwise requested), may be edited, and may be published in other forms, both printed or electronic, including but not limited to social media, newsletters and blogs without financial compensation to the submitter. We may contact you for further information before publishing.